Monday, November 14, 2011

some famous Aromanians

Georgios Sinas,benefactor of Greece
Georgios Averoff,benefactor of Greece
Milton Manakis,pioneer photographer and filmmaker
Herbert Von Karajan,Austrian composer

basic aromanian vocabulary

No. English Aromanian
1 I mine,mini, io
2 you (singular) tine,tini
3 he nãs
4 we noi
5 you (plural) voi
6 they nãsh
7 this aistu
8 that atsel
9 here atsia, aoa
10 there aclo
11 who cari, cai
12 what tsi
13 where iu
14 when cãndu
15 how cum
16 not nu
17 all tut
18 many multsã
19 some nishti
20 few putsãn
21 other altu
22 one unû
23 two doi
24 three trei
25 four patru
26 five tsintsi
27 big mare
28 long lungu
29 wide largu
30 thick grosû
31 heavy greu
32 small njicû
33 short shcurtu
34 narrow strãmtu
35 thin subtsãre
36 woman muljare
37 man (adult male) bãrbat, mascur
38 man (human being) omû
39 child ficiorle
40 wife ãnveastã
41 husband bãrbat
42 mother mamã
43 father tatã
44 animal pravda
45 fish pescu
46 bird puljû
47 dog cãne
48 louse piduclju
49 snake sharpe
50 worm yermu
51 tree arbure
52 forest pãdure
53 stick virdzeao
54 fruit
55 seed simintsã
56 leaf frãndzã
57 root zãrtsinã
58 bark (of a tree)
59 flower floare
60 grass iarbã
61 rope fune
62 skin chiale, coajã
63 meat carne
64 blood sãndze
65 bone osû
66 fat (noun) grosû
67 egg ou
68 horn cornu
69 tail coadã
70 feather peanã
71 hair perû
72 head capû
73 ear ureaclje
74 eye oclju
75 nose nare
76 mouth gurã
77 tooth dinte
78 tongue (organ) limbã
79 fingernail unglje
80 foot cicior
81 leg cicior
82 knee dzenuclju
83 hand mãnã
84 wing arpã
85 belly buric, foale
86 guts matsã
87 neck
88 back
89 breast cheptu
90 heart inimã
91 liver hicat
92 to drink beau
93 to eat mãcû
94 to bite
95 to suck sugû
96 to spit ascuchiu
97 to vomit
98 to blow suflu
99 to breathe
100 to laugh arãdu
101 to see vedû
102 to hear avdu
103 to know shciu
104 to think minduiescu
105 to smell anjurdzescu
106 to fear
107 to sleep dormu
108 to live
109 to die morû
110 to kill nec, vatãm
111 to fight mi-batu
112 to hunt
113 to hit agudescu
114 to cut talju
115 to split
116 to stab
117 to scratch scarchinu
118 to dig sapu
119 to swim
120 to fly azboairã
121 to walk imnu
122 to come yinû
123 to lie (as in a bed) mi-culcu (action), stau cãlcatã (state)
124 to sit shedû
125 to stand stau
126 to turn (intransitive) me anvãrtescu
127 to fall cadû
128 to give dau
129 to hold tsãn
130 to squeeze stringu
131 to rub frec
132 to wash spel
133 to wipe ashcergu
134 to pull tragû
135 to push
136 to throw arucû
137 to tie legû
138 to sew cosû
139 to count numir
140 to say spunû
141 to sing cãntu
142 to play (mi) giocû
143 to float
144 to flow curû
145 to freeze ãngljets
146 to swell mi umflu
147 sun soare
148 moon lunã
149 star steao
150 water apã
151 rain ploae
152 river arãu
153 lake lacû
154 sea amare
155 salt sare
156 stone chiatrã
157 sand
158 dust
159 earth pimintu
160 cloud norû
161 fog
162 sky tserû
163 wind vimtu
164 snow neau
165 ice gljets
166 smoke fumû
167 fire focû
168 ash cinushe
169 to burn ardu
170 road cale
171 mountain munte
172 red arosh
173 green vearde
174 yellow galbin
175 white albu
176 black negru
177 night noapte
178 day dzuã
179 year anû
180 warm caldu
181 cold aratse, frigã
182 full ãplinu
183 new não
184 old veclju
185 good bunû
186 bad arãu
187 rotten
188 dirty murdarû
189 straight ãdreptu
190 round gurguljat
191 sharp (as a knife) tãljatû
192 dull (as a knife)
193 smooth
194 wet udû
195 dry
196 correct
197 near prochiatã, aproape
198 far diparte
199 right nãndreptu
200 left stãngu
201 at la
202 in ãn, tru
203 with cu
204 and shi
205 if disi
206 because
207 name nume

The Aromanian language

Aromanian is a neolatin language,descendant of Balkan Romance that is spoken mainly in the Southern Balkans by aromanian populations.There is no standardized language and various forms of it exist.Generally,it can be divided into two major dialect groups called armineshti (southern) and rimineshti(northern).It is written either in the greek or the latin alphabet.In the aromanian symposium of 1997 in Bitola(ROM) a latin variant was standardized for the Aromanian language.

The Bitola aromanian alphabet
alfabetlu armãnescu

a, ã, b, c, ch, d, dh, dz, e, f, 
g, gh, h, i, j, k, l, lj, m, n, nj, 
o, p, q, r, s, sh, t, th, ts, u, v,
w, x, y, z.

This alphabet does not distinguish between schwa(ə),the romanian ă, and â or î in Romanian which exists in southern dialects.It uses the ã symbol,a with a circumflex over it for both.It also does not make use of the û sound that is found at the end of the words and it is very common in Aromanian.

In this blog I will be using an extended version of the Bitola alphabet which includes the letters î and û.

the extended alphabet

a, ã, b, c, ch, d, dh, dz, e, f, g, gh, h, i, î,j, k, l, lj, m, n, nj, 
o, p, q, r, s, sh, t, th, ts, u,û,v,w, x, y, z.

Aromanian speaking areas